Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend Work

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."  ~Margaret Atwood~

2015 Garden - April

...and boy, did we ever!  We worked very hard this weekend.  Mr. S and the little one helped to fill the large herb bed that we built last weekend with dirt and I planted seeds and a few hardy plants.  We have more work to do, but we're waiting on warmer weather and a shipment of herbs from Richter's.    Should be a couple of more weeks.  My knees and shoulders will appreciate the time to rest up before the next onslaught.  We worked very hard on Saturday to get it all done - rain was supposed to move in that night so we felt the need to hurry.

I don't know what we did without Pinterest.  :)  I've used so many helpful tips, if for organization if nothing else, that I'm amazed.  This year's gardening would be a lot less organized and more stressful without both my obsessive need to control and the tips I've learned from users of Pinterest.  For instance, seed books.  Bulky, but effective.  When I came across it, as in so many other instances, I thought, "Why did I never think of that?!"

Turnip Seedlings
We have a few small sprouts already, from what I planted last weekend - radishes and turnips mainly have shot out of the ground.  We also noticed yesterday that our potatoes have pushed through the straw covering them.  This is momentous for Mr. S. and I because we've attempted potatoes before and never even gotten that far!  So actually seeing plants was very exciting.  Some of the small lettuces are just beginning to sprout, but not on the scale of the turnips and radishes.  This is the part of the year when the first thing we all do when we get home is go out and check the garden for new babies. :)  It was fun for us last year, I think it will be this year too.  We are attempting some different things this year, so the newness hasn't quite worn off.

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