Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dreary Week and Randomness

This week has mostly been very cloudy and rainy, and we're supposed to have chances of snow tonight.  Low of 18 tomorrow night.  BLECK.  We are still plugging ahead on our garden plans, however.  Last frost last year was April 18th and that'll be upon us in no time.

The potatoes have been curing since Sunday and are looking sealed over.  We've never done this step when we've attempted potatoes in Illinois so maybe that's why we never were able to succeed with them.  :)  It looks like next week should see a steady increase in temperatures, so the peas and onions will be going in the next few weeks as well.  We've never succeeded with peas either, but we have always planted them in late spring when we plant out everything else and it was always too warm.

We did onions last year and actually managed a pretty good crop......which we never got around to curing so that they could be stored in the basement - they ended up rotting and we had to toss them out.  :(  What a waste!  I am hoping this year to put a little more effort into the harvesting and make sure we have as little waste as possible.  Don't get me wrong, we processed ALOT of food last year - between freezing, canning, and drying, we had quite a harvest.  So essentially I'm doing more research. :)  Our garden was actually quite prolific last year and I'm hoping to continue that trend with some of the new plants we're attempting and with the addition of the herb bed.  (I'm very excited about the new herbs!)

Herbs are kind of my "thing" in the garden - at our old house I had herbs mixed in with the border beds as well as in raised beds near the kitchen.  I love them dearly.  People ask me why I like herbs so much and I think its the same as with the vegetables and why I love the potager gardens so much - they're useful.  And in the case of the potagers, pretty.  Useful and visually pleasing is the whole package.  Even if all we do is add the herbs to our dinners or dry them for later use, its satisfying to know that we are using the product of our hard work.

I am working on some of my problem health conditions so perhaps I won't be as tired and sick every night when I come home from work and will be able to get something done! Heat is always a problem for me in the days of summer and fall that are primarily harvest time.  I tend to work in the garden after 8:00 PM on weeknights or before 10:00 AM on the weekends, but even then sometimes the heat is too much and triggers migraines. Then I don't get anything done for two days.  :(  We'll see if the new therapies will be helpful.

So in closing, we're hanging in there, waiting anxiously for true Spring!

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